Thursday, May 27, 2010

destinations are where we begin again...


A lot has changed since I have last written. This is a really hard blog to write (at least the first part), but I need to anyways. Adam and I are getting a divorce. To make a long story short, I left because of infidelity on Adam's part. It was super hard to come to terms with but I'm moving on now. Life is too short to have regrets. I don't have any. You learn your lessons and know that God has a reason for it all. I don't know what those reasons are, and I don't know if I ever will, but it makes no sense to be angry anymore. I can't change what happened to me, so I might as well move on with a good attitude! :)

Anyways! :) 
In other news, Isaiah is now seven months and two weeks old exactly today! :) He is such a big boy already! I weighed him with me on the scale in the bathroom, and he is 21 1/2 little fatty boy. He is such a beautiful baby, and is super happy all the time. 
cute baby,cheesy smile
He still does not have any teeth yet, but I'm not too worried. He'll get them when he needs to, and since I am still nursing him, if he does not get any anytime soon, that is FINE with me! 

He can now sit up on his own, which is wonderful for me. I can now let him sit up and play, so he can see what is going on around him, thus making him much more content to not be held.  He was not able to use the bumbo chair much, because he tried to flip it several times by leaning over and reaching to get something out of reach...he almost flipped three times, but I was able to catch him haha.
cute baby

I know every mommy says this, but i think he's a beautiful baby. I did not think I could handle the journey to becoming a single mom, but he has made it so much easier. He is such a joy and a wonderful baby that it is worth every struggle. Being a mommy is hard work, but I love every minute of it. It makes all the hard times worth it when he looks up at me like the little angel that he is...most of the time anyways!
cute baby