Monday, June 14, 2010


I want to scream! And not entirely in a bad way at all. The past couple weeks or so, I have so many ideas in my head that just NEED to get out, but I don't know how lol. I REALLY want to do like a drama group or something like that where I can let my "creativity" and "vision" play out and I can have that sense of accomplishment that I did something that I've always wanted to do...but where to start?! I have NO clue. haha. I guess I'll just have to wait for all that. In the right time! :D

Anyways, Isaiah just turned 8 months old yesterday! I cannot BELIEVE it...he's so big! 21 lbs and 10 ounces...and that was a week and a half ago, so he's probably all of 22 lbs now...yet he has no teeth.

he likes to army crawl now, but can't regularly crawl. haha it'll be soon though probably. I just can't believe that He is so big. He really is the size of a 12 month old. I think he is so cute, but of course, I'm the mom, so my opinion does not really count. :D

anyways, time to take care of the little monster! 

Til next time!